
Sue, and her miracle dog, Buddy


From the editor

Miracles happen everyday when people pray, even when I pray.

One night as I lay on my bed, I’d had enough pain and was desperate to have it go away. I had TMJ. A horribly painful joint in my jaw. My bite was a bit uneven on one tooth that caused the pain over time.

Desperate. I cried out to God expressing that there was no way I would be able to live any longer with this extent of pain. I asked Him to heal me. Before the words were out of my mouth I felt immediate warmth all over my body. I felt His hand on my jaw creating the most incredible deep warmth I had ever felt. My jaw began to move into a place that was much less painful, something that I could live with better. Then it stopped. I got a strong impression to go to my Dentist and have him drill the high tooth that was causing the pain*. I wondered how would I tell him that Jesus was moving my mouth around?

He sent me to a specialist who filed all he dared on the first visit. Who then sent me home for my jaw to relax. Even as I walking out of his office I could feel the warmth and healing continue. After several visits, it took about six months, my jaw was strong and my bite even.

This wasn’t my first miracle, but it was one of those that you can’t see, yet I told people about it anyway. Some believed me, others thought I was crazy. It didn’t matter to me, I used my faith, and got a miracle.

Do you have a miracle you’d like to share, or you know someone who does? This publication is an avenue for you to share your miracle stories with the world.

Susan Wade

Editor in Chief

Miracles, Healings, the Unexplained