No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.

I am a Chaplain working with Truckstop Ministries out of Atlanta, Georgia and minister at Jubitz Truckstop in Oregon. They have a small coffee shop they call Club (named after the 1-5 freeway exit number) where the drivers sit and chat. They used to have three chalkboards on the wall where they would write the name of the movie playing in each of their three little movie theaters. They assigned me one of them to conduct services in each Sunday, and I would write information about it on the chalkboard.

One Sunday I was assigned theater $2, and I advertised my event on the middle board. As I turned to head to the theater/chapel, the men were laughing. What 1 had written didn’t sound very funny to me, but when I turned to look I noticed with some embarrassment what the three boards together read:

Specials Showing

Chapel Service at 11:00

Dopey Old Men

There wasn’t anything I could do to fix it so I just laughed with the men. That Sunday was the best turnout of unsaved drivers going to church I’d ever had.

Chaplain Dick Colbeth

Prov 17:21 A cheerful heart is good medicine…

laughing is good exercise. It’s like jogging on the inside.